one punch man workout: does one punch man workout work?


Have you heard of the one-punch-man workout? does the one punch man workout work?

The exercise takes its inspiration from the Japanese superhero series “One-Punch Man,” created by the pseudonymous manga artist known only as ONE. It has gained popularity among fans of the series, partly due to the efforts of internet influencers who have attempted to follow the regimen for a period of time ranging from 30 days to several years.

This article will drive you to the facts and relevant details of one punch man workout and how it will work. I have given a detailed explanation to learn about Saitama workout Routine and One punch man training.

How is the One Punch Man workout performed?

The One Punch Man exercise is based on the manga and later anime series of the same name. The story is centered on Saitama, a fictional superhero also known as the One-Punch Man. Saitama is a potent fighter that is capable of defeating any opponent with a single punch. Indeed, Saitama is crucial to the continuous battle between monsters and superheroes in the narrative.

Saitama’s workout routine


Saitama’s workout routine claims to have gained strength via the One Punch Man exercise, which includes 100 situps, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-kilometre) run.

After three years of following the exercise, Saitama loses his hair but gains one-punch knockout power, enabling him to conquer the monsters. As a result, the One Punch Man exercise was created.

Is the One Punch Man Workout good?

Most likely yes. The practice is very effective and provides many health and body advantages. This system does correspond to several significant movement patterns. Push-ups provide pushing action; situps provide core training; squats provide leg training and cardio (running).

Is the One Punch Man Workout safe?

Every bodybuilder has a different opinion when it comes to the One Punch Man Workout. Some would say that it’s a safe exercise as long as you’re doing it correctly, while others say that there are too many risks involved and it’s not worth the risk.

So how risky is this workout? Does it even matter for those wondering about their health? We’ve looked at what experts have to say about the One Punch Man Workout, so now you can make up your own mind if it’s worth trying or not!

Overview: The One Punch Man workout uses resistance training and high-intensity cardio exercises in a short period of time to get your muscles working fast and then resting them before they start burning out.

What does the One Punch Man training include?

The  One punch man training exercise includes the following:

  • One hundred push-ups
  • Hundred situps
  • 100 squats
  • Followed by a 10 km run

Does the one-punch man workout work?

Yes, it turns into successful training. The movement has several advantages. Push-ups have been shown to increase muscular strength in the pectoral and upper trunk muscles. As your push-up technique improves, you will have a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Squats have been shown to lower body fat percentage. Squats have been shown to increase leg muscle thickness.

Does one punch man ever lose?

Saitama has never lost a 1v1 battle against a monster in the main tale in the main narrative line. Since his initial encounter with Crabnante, he has gone on a flawless winning run. Because King has incredible gaming abilities, such as a 5-minute endless combination, he has been beaten in every video game he has played.

Is one punch man good?


One-Punch Man is unquestionably one of the most incredible anime hero series of all time, thanks to its stunning animation, character-driven humor, and genuinely dramatic action scenes. When Dragon Ball Z was at its peak, it was easy to lose interest in anime. On the other hand, One-Punch Man is the ideal series to rekindle your interest in the shonen genre.

What is the One Punch Man workout app?

The One Punch Man workout app is:

  • Jefit – The Best Workout, Fitness, Exercise, and Bodybuilding Application for Android and iPhone
  • Workout Routine Database
  • Workout Program Database
  • In the manga/anime One Punch Man, Saitama went through essential military and athlete training.

How did Saitama get so strong?

Even though he claims he gained his remarkable strength via simple physical exercise, no one believes him. The Japanese martial artist Saitama contended that he had attained some superhuman strength after a year and a half of daily 100 push-ups, situps, and squats, as well as a daily 10 km run.

How did Saitama get his powers?

Saitama claims that he gained his remarkable strength via just physical training, but no one believes him at all, even himself. The Japanese martial artist Saitama contended that he had attained some superhuman strength after a year and a half of 100 daily push-ups, situps, and squats, as well as a daily 10 km run.

What are factors contribute to Saitama’s incredible strength?

In part, this is due to Saitama breaking through the physical barrier placed around his body. However, to overcome this restriction, Saitama was forced to exert considerable effort, which resulted in his becoming bald. He may have become mighty due to breaching his limitation, but he is not invulnerable.

How to do the One Punch Man training program?

As stated in the book, completing the One Punch Man exercise in its entirety is relatively simple, at least in principle. Every day, do 100 sit-ups, push-ups, and bodyweight squats, as well as a 6.2-mile (10-kilometre) run, and then look into the one-punch-man workout results.

Listed below is a breakdown of the technique for each of the bodyweight workout movements:


  • In Situps, you will mainly strengthen your abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Situps are an essential bodyweight core exercise that you can perform anywhere.
  • To do situps, follow these steps:
  • To do this exercise, you should lie down on your back with your knees bent and both feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands behind your head or cross your arms over your chest to show that you’re not afraid. You should avoid tugging on your head from behind and pushing your chin too hard on your chest while sleeping.
  • Sit up as far as possible in a controlled manner till your chest is almost touching your thighs after you have achieved the desired posture.
  • Return to the starting point gradually.
  • Repeat until you reach the desired number of repetitions – in this case, 100 reps.


  • Push-ups are a simple bodyweight workout that works your chest, shoulders, and core muscles simultaneously.
  • Push-ups should be performed as follows:
  • In a straight-arm plank position with your back flat and hands on the floor squarely under your shoulders, start with one arm straight, and one arm bent.
  • Begin to descend your torso and body toward the floor slowly, bending your elbows along the way.
  • Press through your hands to bring yourself back to the top position after you have reached about 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the floor.
  • To avoid your hips from sinking toward the floor throughout the action, maintain your core firmly engaged throughout.
  • Repeat until you reach the desired number of repetitions — in this case, 100 for this exercise.


  • A lower-body exercise that mainly targets your glutes and quads, with some activation in your calves and hamstrings, bodyweight squats are a great choice.
  • Bodyweight squats should be performed as follows:
  • Standing with your feet about hip-width apart and your toes turned out between 5 and 12 degrees is a good starting point.
  • To begin the lowering portion of the exercise, bring your hips backward and forwards.
  • As you naturally bend at the knees, lower your hips to the floor.
  • Maintain your balance by keeping your weight in the middle of your feet.
  • Maintain an erect posture with your back straight. Maintain a straight line from your knees to your toes by bending them in the same way.
  • Continue to lower yourself as far as possible without your back rounding or your knees collapsing in on themselves.
  • Aim to have your thighs at least parallel to the floor while doing this exercise.
  • Make a strong push with your feet to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions — in this case, 100 reps for this exercise.

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Putting everything together

  • The whole exercise consists of 100 repetitions of each action, done with the correct technique, followed by a 6.2-mile (10-kilometer) run to complete the circuit.
  • In principle, you should be able to complete the exercise without taking much time off.
  • Even though he claims he gained his incredible strength via simple physical activity, no one believes him.
  • The Japanese martial artist Saitama contended that he had attained some superhuman strength after a year and a half of 100 daily push-ups, situps, and squats, as well as a daily 10 km run.

One Punch Man workout female

Now with the female, it can be done but in a tender way. As I previously said, this exercise was inspired by anime/manga. While it works for males, don’t forget that we ladies (girls, don’t dispute; we are, regrettably, physically and scientifically delicate). Don’t do everything all at once, and don’t forget to take pauses.

What do you need to do to get started with the one-punch man workout training program?

It is recommended that you begin with a portion of the whole exercise and gradually increase your time in the gym. Here are the steps:

  • Start with 10–20 percent of the whole volume and gradually increase your workload until you reach the entire training schedule. An example of a good workout is starting with ten repetitions of situps, push-ups, and squats, followed by a 0.62-mile (1-kilometre) run.
  • Depending on how you feel, you may increase the number of repetitions and distance by 0.3 miles (0.5 km) at the end of each week, gradually progressing to the entire exercise.
  • Keep in mind that it is preferable to perform fewer repetitions with the correct technique to protect your body from damage than it is to push too hard too quickly and risk injuring yourself in the first place.
  • In addition, try taking 2–3 weekly rest days and changing up your training regimen after a few weeks to keep things interesting.
  • Finally, if doing situps causes or worsens low back discomfort, substitute another core exercise such as bird dogs, or avoid doing them entirely if possible.

One punch man workout results

  • It will reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.
  • Leg muscle will become strong and thick.
  • Strength in the upper body muscle and pectoral will be improved.
  • Your body fat will be reduced.
  • Quadriceps strength will be improved.

How old is Saitama?

Saitama, with a bald head and 25 years on the clock, the main character, Saitama, is a 25-year-old man who has grown tired of fighting due to his uncanny ability to beat opponents with only one punch.

How fast is Saitama?

Saitama’s speed was 256266 kilometers per hour (kilometers per second) while traveling 384400 kilometers in 1.5 seconds. And that’s very, extremely quick. However, it is slower than the speed of light.

Does Saitama ever lose?

In the main storyline, Saitama has never lost a 1v1 battle against a monster. Since his initial encounter with Crabnante, he has amassed an unbroken winning run.

Is it possible to kill Saitama?


Yes, Saitama is capable of being murdered. You don’t even need to be very physically powerful. You could starve Saitama to death, and he would succumb to hunger; you could also keep him from drinking water, and he would succumb to dehydration.

What are the benefits of 1000 push-ups a day?

The benefits of 1000 push-ups a day will be not a matter of your body type; you will gain muscle mass. No matter how skinny you are, you will begin to notice the definition, and if you are on the heavier side, you will start to feel your body stiffen as the process continues. No, it is not the same as weightlifting, but it will nevertheless assist you in muscle growth.

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What are the risks associated with the One Punch Man exercise?

Although the movements included in the One Punch Man workout program have been shown to have certain research-backed advantages, some dangers should be considered.

  1. Excessive physical activity is not recommended.
  • The first and most serious problem is the high volume.
  • Suppose you are not already in good condition for this fitness level exercise. In that case, it will be tough to complete the large number of repetitions required even if you have prior calisthenics expertise and are in good physical condition.
  • You are unlikely to be physically able to complete every rep with the correct technique unless you are already in good shape.
  • Incorrect technique while doing exercises such as push-ups and squats puts excessive stress on your joints, increasing your risk of acute and overuse problems in the long run.
  • When it comes to running, 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) is a significant distance, especially if you are not a seasoned runner. 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) is a lengthy journey for most people.
  • Although you may push yourself to complete that torturous distance without running training, you run the danger of injuring yourself since your joints and muscles aren’t conditioned to handle such a high volume of running.
  1. The excessive frequency
  • Additionally, you are urged to adhere to the program daily, on top of the high volume of each exercise. It’s very doubtful that you’ll be able to go from being entirely unprepared for doing this exercise daily without running the danger of suffering an overuse injury, a lousy technique injury, or under-recovery problems.
  • No matter what kind of workout routine you follow, taking one or more weekly rest days is always a brilliant idea.
  1. Ineffective core training
  • The practice of using sit-ups as the only core training exercise in a calisthenics program is not by the most recent research on the most effective core training exercises available.
  • For the most part, a substantial body of data suggests that strength and conditioning experts should concentrate on complex multijoint exercises for maximum functional core training.
  • Recent research on the advantages of core training used various exercises including situps to build functional core strength and improve trunk stability, which did not include situps.
  • The ultimate aim of core exercise is to improve trunk stability to the research findings, the core may and should be strengthened via a variety of exercises that target the whole musculature. Situps are not a complete core training program in and of itself. Also of note, while many people can safely do situps, research has shown that doing so may induce or aggravate low back discomfort in sensitive people.
  • It implies that this exercise particularly 100 repetitions of it is not suitable for everyone.


Even though the routine is physically demanding and involves training a range of muscles, it is not an ideal exercise program. It is not a complete program for long-term fitness improvement since the beginning volume is too high for most novices and the restricted motions and athletic components.

Aside from that, you will not noticeably improve your strength, which I hope Saitama before training didn’t have unless you get the specialized instruction in striking sports. But if you like the series or are just seeking a physical challenge, attempting to complete the whole one-punch man workout is a good aim. Just make sure to start gently and gradually increase your intensity as you go through the program.

Ultimately, any exercise program will need to be replaced by other programs over time if you want to build fitness that will last for the rest of your life.


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