Almond milk: all its benefits


An ideal ingredient to add to your recipes, almond milk has many good health properties.

Almond milk is an excellent ally for weight control. It does not contain lactose and is rich in antioxidants and essential mineral salts, such as potassium and calcium.

Its low cholesterol content, vitamin supply, and delicious flavor make it a great alternative to cow’s milk. It is also lower in calories than soy milk.

The properties of almond milk

One of the main characteristics of almond milk is that it does not contain gluten, lactose, or cholesterol. It has the same consistency as cow’s milk, so it can be used in the same way.

In addition to this, almond milk has a high content of vitamin E and is a natural antioxidant that helps prevent cancer and delay the aging process. It is a source of vitamin A, vitamin D, proteins, Omega 6, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium.

It shares some properties of soy milk, but the calorie content is much lower. Let’s make a comparison: a cup of whole cow’s milk has 140 calories, a cup of soy milk has 80, while a cup of almond milk has 40 and, without sugar, only 30 calories.

Finally, almond milk has a high level of soluble and insoluble natural fiber. It protects the walls of the intestine favoring its proper functioning, helps regulate the absorption of sugars, and controls cholesterol levels.

When buying, we advise you to always pay attention to the label: there are different brands and the nutritional content may vary. However, almond milk is the most nutritious and complete alternative to cow’s milk that can be found on the market.

8 reasons why almond milk is good for your health


Many people can benefit from consuming almond milk. To lose weight, to regulate cholesterol levels, or to relieve gastritis disorders, add almond milk to your daily diet.

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Below we list the 8 reasons why almond milk is good for health:

  • Low calorie: ideal for anyone who wants to lose weight. Replacing cow’s milk with almond milk can give very satisfactory results in weight control. Its organoleptic properties are similar to those of cow’s milk, so it is easy to get used to its flavor.
  • Great for those with cholesterol and triglyceride problems. It improves the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces those of bad cholesterol (LDL). Compared to olive oil, it reduces cholesterol levels twice.
  • Promotes the absorption of sugars and fats in the intestine.
  • Easy to digest: it is recommended for all people who are lactose intolerant because it does not burden digestion.
  • Recommended in case of diarrhea and vomiting, conditions that can cause a decrease in potassium levels. Almond milk has a high potassium content and contributes to the recovery of this mineral after an illness.
  • The fiber of almond milk protects the walls of the intestine.
  • Useful in case of gastrointestinal problems or gastritis: adding almond milk to the daily diet helps the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  • Vitamin B2 present in almond milk moisturizes the skin and helps strengthen nails and hair.

The contraindications of almond milk

There are no perfect foods and almond milk is no exception. It has several contraindications and side effects to keep in mind before starting to consume it.

Negative effects on the thyroid


Almonds are a goitrogen food, meaning they contain natural chemicals that can inhibit the correct absorption of iodine. As a result, they can damage the thyroid.

Foods like soy, kale, flax, broccoli, and almonds cause the thyroid to expand. If consumed in excessive quantities, they can lead to the formation of tumors because the chemicals prevalent in this type of food block iodine metabolism.

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Goitrogenic foods can only be dangerous in large doses. If consumed in a balanced way they are healthy and are good for the immune system.

Therefore, if you have thyroid problems, be careful with this type of food. In particular, people who are at risk for low thyroid function should avoid almond milk. Those with healthy thyroid function, on the other hand, can consume almond milk every day in moderate quantities, without suffering from the negative effects.

Forbidden for infants

Just as it is dangerous to replace cow’s milk with soy milk, the same is true for almond milk: it is not an adequate source for the proper nourishment of children.

By replacing breast milk or powdered milk with almond milk, the baby can suffer from malnutrition and have health complications in the future as well. Also, avoid the occasional consumption of almond milk as a substitute for breast milk or powdered milk.

Studies conducted by the American College of Nutrition have shown that children who drink almond milk can develop chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.

Consequently, even moderate consumption of these foods should be avoided in childhood.

Too sweet

One of the most obvious disadvantages of almond milk is that it has a high percentage of sugars. Although almond milk normally does not contain sugars, manufacturers add them to food to improve its flavor.

Most of the options on the market have around 20 grams of sugar per serving. Fortunately, there are also brands that make sugar-free almond milk or that contain at most 1 gram per serving.

For this reason, we recommend that you always check the label on the package to eliminate any doubts.

Recipe for making homemade almond milk

We recommend that you prepare your own almond milk at home.

Almond milk is very simple to prepare, you only need one cup of raw almonds, three cups of water, salt, and sugar. Once you have the ingredients, follow these steps:

  • Leave the almonds to soak overnight or for at least eight hours.
  • Drain and rinse them with fresh water.
  • Put them in the blender with 3 glasses of water.
  • Blend the ingredients for about 10 minutes. It is important to alternate the speed of the blender during the preparation process. For example 3 minutes at the lowest speed, then 3 minutes at the highest speed and keep it up.
  • When the mixture has become a white liquid, add sugar or honey to sweeten it to taste, and a pinch of salt.
  • Finally, strain the liquid through a colander to make sure you get lump-free or residue-free milk.
  • Your almond milk is ready to drink!

The key to good almond milk is that it is white in color and has a consistency similar to that of cow’s milk. Enjoy it with cereals or add it to coffee. It’s great on its own or as an ingredient in other nutritious and delicious recipes.

Two vegetarian recipes with almond milk

Here are two simple vegetarian recipes you can make using almond milk:

Onion sauce (for four people)


Ingredients :

  • 250 grams of onion
  • 2 tablespoons of cream
  • 1 glass of almond milk
  • salt
  • Olive oil

What do you have to do?

To prepare this recipe, you need to finely chop the onion and steam it with a little olive oil. After 5 minutes, add the almond milk, salt, and cream. Finally, mix all the ingredients together to obtain a smooth sauce.

Vegetarian paté (for four people)

Ingredients :

  • 100 – 150 grams of hard bread
  • ¼ liter of almond milk
  • 30 grams of pitted black olives
  • 2 large onions finely chopped
  • 2 grated carrots
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Aromatic herbs to taste
  • Tomato sauce
  • Sunflower oil
  • salt

What do you have to do?

Start by letting the bread soak in almond milk for several hours. Steam the onions and garlic. Put everything in the blender with the rest of the ingredients and blend. Pour the mixture into a mold after greasing it with oil and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.

After letting it cool, it will be ready to serve. You can also add tomato sauce.


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